Written by 10:43 pm Grammar For All

Use Hardly……..When

Hardly should be used for the first action, followed by when to the second action

1.   As soon as the race started, we were looking for our friend.

Ans: Hardly had the race started when we were looking for our friend.

2.   As soon as he came, she went away

Ans: Hardly had he come when she went away

3.   As soon as the policeman came near the house, the thief ran away.

Ans: Hardly had the policeman come near the house when the thief ran away

4.   As soon as the water touched his lips, he felt himself struck down.

5.   As soon as the prince noticed their faces, he blazed with anger.

6.  As soon as the fats collect on the surface, they form a layer.

7.   As soon as the milk is heated further, the water vapour expands.

8.  As soon as the little girl turned her head, she saw the prince.

9.  As soon as the man gives up anger, he is full of peace.

10. As soon as the doctor heard it, she rushed out of her consultation room

11 .As he raised his sword, I screamed in terror.

12.When he bent down, he heard the voice.

13.As man tired to walk, he felt flat on his face.

14. As soon as milk is heated, some of the water in the milk evaporates.

15.As soon as they landed, they hoisted the Indian national tricolor.

16.As soon as the chutney is ready, the mixture will be switched off.

17.As soon the bird saw him, she cried out.

18. As’ soon as .the curtains went up for the third scene, I was pushed on the stage.

19.As soon as we stepped out, they burst crackers.

20.As soon as we walked in, there was a strange sound.

21. As soon as he had returned, he was off again.

22.As soon as the race started , the children ran towards the gate.

23. As soon as I jumped out, 1 got hurt.

24.As soon as he saw the snake, he was dancing.

25.When they announced my name, my joy knew no bounds.

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