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Confusing words

Here is a list of words that may confuse you

1]      Abject : Object

          A]      Abject means mean or base .        

          b]      object means here a thing.

2]      Accept : Agree

          A]      Accept means to take something. .

          B]      Agree means to give consent.

3]      Adapt : Adopt

          A]      Adapt means to adjust.                 

          B]      Adopt means to take.

4]      Apposite : Opposite

          A]      Apposite means appropriate.                 

          B]      Opposite means in front of or facing or opposed to.

5]      Appal : Appeal

          A]      Appal : to cause terror.                           

          B]      Appeal is to make a request.

6]      Allay : Alley: Ally

          A]      Allay means reduce. The teacher allayed the fear of the student.

          B]      Allay means a narrow passage with trees on both sides.

          C]      Ally means friend.

7]      Attitude : Aptitude

          A]      Attitude means tendency.   

          B]      Aptitude means natural liking.

8]      Bail : Guarantee

          A]      Bail is to stand surety to get someone released.     

          B]      Guarantee means assurance.

9]      Ballad : Ballet

          A]      A ballad is a folk-song.                   

          B] Ballet is a dance-drama.  

10]    Bath : Bathe

          A]      Bath :for cleaning the body .        

          B]      Bathe : for pleasure.

11]    Bring : Fetch

          A]      Bring means to get.              

          B]      Fetch is to go and bring.

12]    Begin : Start: Commence

          A]      Begin means beginning doing something.      

          B]      Start : refers to the work or object.

          C]      Commence : Official, Ceremonial in reference .

13]    Below : Beneath: Under

          A]      Below : lower in level, degree, amount etc.   

          b]      Beneath : underneath.

          C]      Under : below a degree or an object.

14]    Beside : Besides

          A]      Beside : by the side of .                           

          B]      Besides : in addition to.

15]    Bonus : Profit : Income

          A]      Bonus : into the bargain, a share in the profit.

          B]      Profit : amount resulting from business.

          C]      Income : amount earned or got :

16]    Border : Margin

          A]      Border : edge or boundary.           

          B]      Margin :border of surface.

17]    Break : Brake

          A]      Break: make into parts.                 

          B]      Brake : stopping device.

18]    Blot :spot

          A]      Blot  :is a black mark.                    

B]      Spot : place.

19]    Character : Conduct

          A]      Character : Moral qualities.           

B]      Conduct : behavior.

20]    Climate : Weather: Atmosphere

          A]      Climate : for a vast area and for a long period.       

          B]      Weather : for a small area, for a short period

          C]      Atmoshphere : the sphere of air etc.

21]    Clear : Clean: Neat

          A]      Clear : pure or undimmed.                     

B]      Clean: not dirty.

          C]      Neat : attractive and impressive.

22]    Completion : Completeness

          A]      Completion : the act of completing .     

          b]      Completeness: being complete.

23]    Cause : Reason

          A]      Cause : That which produces an effect.

          B]      Reason :rationality .

24]    Childish : Childlike

          A]      Childish : Silly or absurd.     

          B]      Childlike : innocent like a child

25]    Confer : Bestow: Endow

          A]      Confer : to give as an award.                  

B]      Bestow : give as a gift

          C]      Endow : to settle upon.

26]    Custom : Habit

          A]      Custom : a practice :                      

B]      Habit : an acquired action.

27]    Crime : sin

          A]      Crime : an illegal action.

          B]      Sin: a moral transgression.

28]    Calender : Calendar

          A]      Calender : a machine with bowls or rollers for finishing  cloth, papers.

          B]      Calender : a table of days , months etc.

29]    Cease : Stop

          A]      Cease : end.                           

B]      Stop : to halt or pause.

30]    Cloths : Clothes

          A]      Cloths : unprepared or unstitched cloth.

          B]      Clothes : garments.

31]    Coast : Bech : Shore

          A]      Coast : land adjoining the sea.               

          B]      Beach : a shore of a sea or of a lake, sandy or pebbly as a pleasure                       resort.

          C]      Shore : land bordering the sea  where people can land from the sea.

32]    Dairy: Dairy

          A]      Dairy : a record of daily events.

          B]      Dairy :a place where milk and its products are sold.

33]    Decease : Disease

          A]      Decease : Death.         

B]      Disease : ailment .

34]    Dot : Spot

          A]      Dot : mark.                            

B]      Spot : particular place.

35]    Elder : Older

          A]      a brother or sister or son, senior to another.

          B]      Older : more aged.

36]    Energy : Power

          A]      Energy : Force.            

B]      Power : ability to do or act.

37]    Funeral :Funereal

          A]      Funeral : burial or cremation.       

B]      Funereal : Dismal.

38]    Fate : Fete

          A]      Fate : a predetermining power.

          B]      Fete :celebration .

39]    Few : A few : The few

          A]      Few : a very small number (negative).

          B]      A few : a small number (positive).

          C]      The few: not many but all that exist.

40]    Flour: floor

          A]      flour : Powder of wheat etc.

B]      floor : prepared ground.

41]    Gallant :  Brave

          A]      Gallant : Chivalrous.             

B]      Brave : courageous.

42]    Gang : Group

          A]      Gang : a collection engaged on a work.   

B]      Group : a collections.

43]    Ghost : spirit

          A]      Ghost : spirit of a dead person.              

          B]      Spirit : Soul or a metaphysical power.

44]    Gravitation : Gravity

          A]      Gravitation: magnetic force of the earth.       

          B]      Gravity :  seriousness.

45]    Incident : Accident

          A]      Incident  : occurrence.                    

          B]      Accident : unhappy, unexpected, incident.

46]    Industrial: Industrious

          A]      Industrial : relating to industry :   

          B]      Industrious : hard –working.

47]    Idle : Lazy

          A]      Idle: without work.               

          B]      Lazy: not disposed to work.

48]    Idol: Image

          A]      Idol : image for worship.

          B]      Image : picture.

49]    Little : A little : The little

          A]      Little : almost nothing.                  

          B]      A little : a small quanitity.

          C]      The little : Whatever little is present

50]    Marriage : Wedding

          A]      Marriage : as a religious performance.  

          B]      Wedding : as a social celebration.

51]    Medal : Prize

          A]      Medal : a piece of metal awarded.        

          B]      Prize : reward given for victory or superiority

52]    Must: Should

          A]      Must : a moral obligation .           

          B]      Should : a binding or legal obligation.

53]    Need : Want

          A]      Need : is a necessity.            

          B]      Want : desire.

54]    Neglect : Ignore

          A]      Neglect : not caring for.                

          B]      Ignore : not noticing.

55]    Order : Command

          A]      Order : Bid or prescribe .     

          B]      Command : orders issued by an authority to large number

56]    Principal : Principle

          A]      Principal : chief.          

          B]      Principle : a rule of conduct.

57]    Pale : White

          A]      Pale : lacking  a healthy complexion.

          B]      White : a colour opposite of black.

58]    Praise : Admire

          A]      Praise : commend                          

          b]      Admire : express great praise for

59]    Quality : Quantity                

          A]      Quality : Nature.                   

          B]      Quantity : proportion.

60]    Raid : Attack

          A]      Raid: visiting for inspection .        

          b]      Attack : assault

61]    Recall : Remember

          A]      Recall : summon back.                   

          B]      Remember : to recollect or keep in mind .

62]    Reduce : Decrease

          A]      Reduce : bring down.           

          B]      Rude : Rough

63]    Sacred : Holy

          A]      Sacred : dedicated to God or religious things :

          B]      Holy : like God, saintly.

64]    Severe : Strict

          A]      Severe : serious           

          B]      Strict : Not lenient:

65]    Speak : Talk

          A]      Speak : discourse.       

          B]      Talk : to converse

66]    Student : Pupil

          A]      Student : one who is engaged in studies.                 

          B]      Pupil :a devoted student .

67]    Supreme : High

          A]      Supreme :highest                           

          b]      High : of an elevated

68]    Terrace : Roof

          A]      Terrace : concrete roof for a house.

          B]      Roof : top over of a building.

69]    Type : Kind

          A]      Type : refers to structure,    

          b]      Kind : of a certain class or quality .

70]    Until : Till

          A]      Until :         emphatically upto a point of time.

          B]      Till :            upto a point of time.

71]    Venom : Poison

          A]      Venom:  Poison in a snake  

          b]      Poison : A substance that can cause harm to the body or ill.

72]    Vacant : Empty

          A]      Vacant : Without anyone inside . 

B]      Empty: without anything inside, reference to a container .

73]    Wage : Salary

          A]      Wage : money paid for work.       

          B]      Salary : Monthly  emoluments.

74]    Warning : Caution

          A]      Warning : Some instruction against danger.

          B]      Caution : care

75]    Watch : see : Notice

          A]      Watch: observe           

B]      See : act of seeing.      

          C]      Notice : observe with attention.

76]    Whole : All

          A]      Whole : entire.            

          B]      All : including  everyone or everything.

77]    Witness : Observe

          A]      Weep : cry, shed tears.                  

B]      Wail : cry with grief.

78]    Yard :  court

          A]      Yard : open space.                

          B]      Court : open space surrounded by buildings.

79]    Zeal : Internet

          A]      Zeal : excessive enthusiasm.

          B]      Interest : with one’s mind in it.

80]    Zero : Cipher

          A]      Zero : a character in numerals.     

          B]      Cipher : a non entity .

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