Grammar For All

Spot The Errors

Here are the incorrect sentences that need corrections, spot the errors

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The secret of Japanese People Rich Health – Marathi Article

       जपानचे लोक एवढे दीर्घायुष्य का असतात   ? असे म्हणतात की जपानमध्ये सरासरी आयुष्यमान हे 80 ते 82 वर्षे आहे ,बाकी देशाच्या तुलनेत...

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Std.12 English

Upon Westminster Bridge

Here is a worksheet for this wonderful poem

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Std.12 English

11 English There is another Sky

Here is a worksheet for this wonderful poem

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Std.12 English

11 th English, 2 The Sower

Here is worksheet for students for practice of this poem

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English | Present Tense

           Formula              |S+V-1, V-S, Ves_______________________________1. They work a lot2. He works a lot.When to use ‘s’ or ‘es’ form to the verb?                                                        Subject...

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Std.12 English

Std.12 | The Cop And The Anthem

The cop and the anthem is one of the finest lessons for the students, giving a great message, here is a practice paper or worksheet for students.

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Std.12 English

Std.12 | On Saying Please

One of the finest lessons in std 12, here is a test paper for practice

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मुलांच्या मोबाईल व्यसन सोडण्याचे आठ उपाय

आजकाल पालकांना भेडसावत असणारी प्रमुख समस्या म्हणजे मुलांचे मोबाईल व्यसन, याला व्यसनच म्हणावं लागेल कारण बऱ्याच वेळेस असे...

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