Spoken English

English Practice Test / Quiz, Grammar For All, Spoken English

English | Complete Grammar Practice 2

Here is a wonderful practice session for complete grammar practice

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Spoken English, Std.12 English

English | Complete Grammar Practice

1.     Though he is shy, he will tackle. (make it compound)Ans:____________________________________________________________2. I was tired so I couldn’t go. (Make it simple)Ans:____________________________________________________________3. By asking doubts, you will be relieved. (Make it...

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Spoken English

Improve Your English | Set 1

Thought of the day:            We are what our thought are. Today’s New words:rage, Wrath = anger agile = Very active Delighted, jubliant, elated, Mitri = Happiness Remorse = Repeat sorrowful = miserable amazed, astonished taken aback open mouthed, thunderstruck                     – Surprised...

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Spoken English

Spoken English Day – 22 | I am / I was

Here is an important lesson telling about ourself.

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Spoken English

English | Phrases For Giving Bad News

I’m afraid I’ve got something sad to tell you … Please don’t take this badly but… I’ve got some bad news I’m afraid .. There is no easy way to say this but… I’m afraid to inform you of… I’m sorry to have to tell you this but… I regret to inform you that… I...

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Spoken English

Routine English Expressions

1. I can’t wait.2. Don’t worry3. Cheer up!4. Good afternoon5. Good night6. Have a good trip7. Have a good weekend8. It’s up to you9. I can’t wait10. Come on11. I don’t have time12. I don’t agree.13. I am busy.14. Good morning15. I admire you16. It’s up to you17. Come with me18. I am tired.19....

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Spoken English

Other Ways To Say – You Are So Beautiful

1. You are so adorable!2. You Look as pretty as always!3. You Look gorgeous!4. I Love the way you Look today! 5. You Look drop dead gorgeous!6. I can’t take my eyes off of you!7. You have Looks to die for!8. You are stunning!9. Wow, you are gorgeous!10.You’re beyond gorgeous!11. You Look absolutely fantastic!12. I …...

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Spoken English

Daily Use English Sentences – II

Here is a list of some daily expressions used by English speakers

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Spoken English

Daily Use English Sentences – I

Here is list of some expressions used by English speakers used

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Spoken English

Masculine And Feminine Gender

Masculine Feminine  Bachelor Maid / spinster Signor Signora Beau Belle Czar Czarina Boy Girl Executor Executrix Bridegroom Bride Fox Vixen Brother Sister Stepfather Stepmother Buck Doe Spaceman Spacewoman Bull / ox Cow Salesman Saleswoman Bullock Heifer Sultan Sultana Boar Sow Maternal Grandfather Maternal Grandmother Cock Hen...

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