English Grammar | Prepositions
preposition is one of the most important topics in English, here is detailed study of this topic
English Grammar | Verbs
The word that denotes or conveys action is called verb. There are two types of verb. 1. Transitive VerbThe verb that needs object is called transitive verb.For Ex.1. He calls the police.2. She helps the needy.3. They told a lie.Note: Such verbs answers what or who, whom, when question is asked to verb. 2. Intransitive …...
English Grammar | Pronoun
The word which is used instead of noun is called pronoun.For Ex.Ram plays cricket.He plays cricket. Noun Boy Girl People Stone Pronoun He She They / Them it One Category Pronoun:*He, him, his, himself*She, her, herself*We, our, ourselves*They, them, themselves, their*it, they, itself Types of Pronoun 1....
Kinds of Sentences
Here are kinds of sentences, definition , examples and exercise
English Worksheet -Punctuations
Here are some practice examples for punctuation , study all the rules of punctuation before solving the worksheet
English Worksheet – Wh Questions
In this case , statement is given and some part is underlined , we have to frame questions respecting tense and format
English Worksheet – Expansion Of Vocabulary Arising Out Of The Text
1 After exploring all viable solutions to this problem, I have successfully launched an indigenous scheme. (Rewrite using the noun form of the underlined word)Ans : After exploration of all viable solution to this problem, I have successfully launched an indigenous scheme.2 Most of us feel annoyed or...
English Worksheet – Affirmative To Negative and Vice-Versa
Make it affirmative and make it negative, while doing all these, meaning shouldnt be changed
English Worksheet – No Sooner Than
1 No sooner did the teacher reach the school than the children gathered around him. (Use No sooner….. Than)Ans: As soon as the teacher reached the school, the children gathered around him.2 When the whole people become full of faith, ordinary men and women become heroes. (Use No...
Not only but also should be used for two different things without changing the meaning