Competitive Exam English

Inspiring Thoughts That May Change Your Mentality

We are what our thoughts are , we behave according to our thoughts, that’s why we should read motivational thoughts again and again , surely good or motivational thoughts play a great role to change our life

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Motivational Stories


Some Problems Are Easy to solve But we make problems more problematic ( 3. A Motivational Story)

A motivational story about life, life is full of problems, but we make some problems more problematic, some problems are certainly easy to solve just we have to improve our outlook, this story tells this fact

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How To Tackle Adolescence children

Nowadays many parents are worried about their adolescence children when they show behavioral changes, they fail to know how to deal with them, inviting stress for them, lets discuss about its solution

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Grammar For All


Parts Of Speech

Detailed study of parts of speech with examples

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How To Make Teaching Lecture/ Session Interesting For Students

useful for teachers to make their lecture interesting and effective

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Competitive Exam English

How To Score Marks In English in Competitive Exam

In many cases it is observed that in India , mostly in all competitive exam, English is compulsory, many students get less marks in English, here are some tips to get more marks in competitive exam, very helpful for all the students who appear for competitive exams.

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Spoken English

Different Types of Expressing Thanks

Thank you, please and sorry are called golden words in communication. Dear friends, they strengthen the bond of relationship. Thanks or gratitude can be expressed in various ways as change is the variety of life. all say thank you and we say thank you, surely there is no newness but same expression can be used …...

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Competitive Exam English

Beautiful Thoughts That May Change Your Life

Here are motivational thoughts that change your mindset

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