Grammar For All

Grammar For All


The sentence that bears inverted commas is called direct speech, there are certain rules to convert direct speech to indirect speech or reporting verb according to kinds of sentences.

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Grammar For All


The sentence that bears inverted commas is called direct speech, there are certain rules to convert direct speech to indirect speech or reporting verb according to kinds of sentences.

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Grammar For All

Degree Of Comparison

Degree of comparison is a very important topic in grammar, lets discuss its rules.

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Grammar For All

Tense – Formulae and Uses

Tense is the boss of English, if tense is perfect , English will be perfect, that’s why its compulsory to learn its formulae and when to use tense properly

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Grammar For All


EXERCISE-1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions 1) My birthday is___November 25th. 2)  1 will call and see you___Sunday___three o’clock. 3) The work must be finished___the end of this week. 4) We are having a party___New Year’s Day. 5) She always went to see her parents ___Christmas. 6) I shall be back___about...

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Grammar For All



1.  First come, first served. 2.   A bad workman always quarrels with his tools. 3.   After death, the doctor. 4.   Reap as you sow 5.   Ill-gotten, ill spent. 6.   Bones for latecomers. 7.   Avoid extremes. 8.   A stitch in time saves nine. 9.   Every light has its shadow.  10.Many men, many minds.  1l.Much ado about...

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Grammar For All

Types Of Adjectives

The word that qualifies noun or pronoun or tells about them is called adjective. Lets discuss its types

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Grammar For All

Types Of Pronouns

A pronoun is a word which is used in place of noun. lets discuss its types

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Grammar For All

Types Of Noun

Types of noun play an important role in parts of speech and grammar

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Grammar For All


Parts Of Speech

Detailed study of parts of speech with examples

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