Grammar For All

Grammar For All

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No sooner should be applied to first action, after no sooner ,take helping verb, if am is are available , no problem, in absence of them take do, did, does according to verb form

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Grammar For All

Add a Question Tag

Add a ? tag is used to stress our opinion.
is – isn’t
are- arent
If sentence is positive, tag is negative, if sentence is negative , tag will be positive.

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Grammar For All


Here statement is given, some part is underlined , according to that we have to prepare question using following formula.
Wh – word + helping verb+ subject + main verb?

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Grammar For All


While using punctuation marks, we should know all the rules, specially we in case of inverted commas.

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Grammar For All

Remove too…

Too……to structure has negative meaning, when we do remove too, first too should be replaced with so and second to should be replaced with that

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Grammar For All

Use Hardly……..When

Hardly should be used for the first action, followed by when to the second action

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Grammar For All

Not Only……….But Also

Not only …but also is used to differentiate the two things. It should be used for two different things.

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Grammar For All

Make It Negative

while doing negative , we should be careful about meaning , meaning shouldn’t be changed at any cost , even tense too

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Grammar For All

Present Participle

EXERCISE-1 Join each of the following pairs of sentences using either a present participle or a perfect participle. 1) She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking. 2)  He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it. 3) He got off his horse. He began searching for something on the ground. 4) …...

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Grammar For All

Exclamatory Sentence

EXERCISE-l (Rewrite the following sentences as exclamatory.) 1)  It is an excellent piece. 2)  1 am very proud of my nice mother. 3) You are working too hard. 4)  It is a fantastic feeling. 5) He was very terrified. 6)  It is a very great lesson to be learned from Wilma. 7) You are absolutely …...

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